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by auxten
Gingko is a p2p file transfer tool whose usage is just compitable with scp

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Imagine that you were a linux sys admin who wants to distribute a large dir to many servers, let’s say 50GB to 1000 servers. That will be a really boring task!!!

With “gingko” you may do it much more efficiently.

Gingko is a C/S style p2p files/dir transfer tool, its usage and behavior is pretty much like scp. It has the advantage listed below:


to start the server on HostA

./gingko_clnt HostA:/path/to/data /path/to/save/data
to start the download

-h or --help for more detail


auxten (auxtenwpc[AT]gmail)


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://